Mobile Learning Device (MLD)


1.   Borrowers are required to log in / log out properly and hand in their ID card at the Circulation Counter.
2.   Ipad should only be used inside the library / within the school premises.
3.   Ipad is issued on a first come first served basis.
4.   Ipad is not allowed to be borrowed overnight at all times.
5.   Ipad borrowers must refrain from adding, deleting or changing any program applications installed in the device.
6.   Ipad borrowers shall ensure the safety and security of the device until it is returned at the Circulation Counter; Ipad borrowers must never leave the device unattended at anytime.
7.   The lpad may be loaned out only for the user’s academic, research and other learning programs purposes as required or recommended by the school. In order to effectively and efficiently utilize the Ipad device, the following shall be observed:

  • For DLSZ employees, Ipad borrowed for day use shall be returned on or before 4:00pm.
  • For DLSZ students, Ipad can be borrowed during recess, lunch and dismissal until 4:30pm only.

8.   The Ipad borrowing is non-transferable and must be used by the borrower only.
9.   Borrower/s shall be responsible for any damage and/or loss of the device.
10.  For the Ipad devices to be loaned out from the Audio Visual Center, the borrower needs to sign the Loan Agreement Form.