The Media Gallery

The Audio Visual Center  is undertaking digitization project to create new way for users to wider search and access non-print collections, likewise to preserve materials. The Centre’s digital collection is constantly evolving to suit new and exciting demands from library users and services.

The reproduction were done with variety of tools: image scanner, digital cameras, DVD recorder, computers and other devices that digitize video and audio, and of course AV technicians for encoding and recording.


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Updates of the digitization project:

  • Scanning of transparencies has been completed
  • Acquired 2 units of LED TV which serves an Online Bulletin Board where messages,  advertisements, library programs and community news is posted. One unit is located at the entrance of the Upper Grades LRC and the other one is at the entrance of the Lower Grades AV Center.
  • Converting outdated  non-print materials to different format such as VHS to DVD, and Cassette tapes to MP3 File
  • Uploading selected audiovisual resources for classroom instruction. To access the collection log on:

The Audio Visual Center is accepting request for uploading photos, videos, sound recordings and other documents to be included in the gallery server pro specially if this is for classroom use.

You may also click here to visit The Media Gallery.